Friday, March 19, 2010
Spyker C8 Aileron 2009

Ford F250 Dash Lighting LED Replacement and Installation Guide

Part of Content:
The step by step dash lighting LED replacement and installation procedure for Ford Super Duty F250, this manual clearly explain how to remove the bulb, installing and configuring complete with illustration. This write-up covers the replacement of the following bulbs: 4×4 Knob Switch, Headlight Switch, Instrument Cluster, Heater/AC Controls. The first picture shows where the bulb assembly was. Unplug the harness and remove the 4×4 knob assembly. The second picture is the bulb housing with the new LED installed. The LED used for this bulb was from superbrightleds.com and is part number NEO5-G. I soldered the LED legs to the housing contacts. Reinstall the bulb assembly into the 4×4 knob assembly and turn on the headlights, to verify you have the LED in correctly, it
will only work one direction. Then, unplug the harness and set this assembly to the side, since it needs to be removed for the
upcoming dash removal. This installation was the most difficult one. Mainly figuring out how to disassemble the switch assembly without trashing it. The first step is to snap off the melted plastic pieces that hold the switch assembly together. Here’s a pic of these pieces, there will be several of them around the perimeter of the assembly. Here you can see the internals of the switch assembly, with the green capped bulb mounted to the circuit board. Ok just download this pdf document and you can do it your self LED replacement on Ford F250 Super Duty.
Download pdf document : http://www.frontiernet.net/~jcray/04F250/pdfs/F250DashLEDs.pdf
this manual available free to download at http://www.frontiernet.net/. we found it via google pdf search
Military Land Rover 110 Manuals Parts Catalogue

Content Inside:
The Military Land Rover 110 2,5 Diesel Engine parts manual book which produced in 1986. This publication is to be used for Military Vehicles provided under the following contracts and used in conjunction with the commercial Parts list RTC 9863 CC dated February 1986. Supplementary variants, engine major assemblies, cargo lashing cleats,small arms clips, lashing recovery shack less, front & Rear, body rear lower, roll over bar, rear bumprette, fire extinguisher bracket. Engine description: Engine 12 Volt: 2,5 liter diesel engine of 21:1 compression ratio fitted with thermostatic fan drive and air intake fully sealed. Engine 12/24 Volt, As 12 volt with the addition of oil cooler; 24 volt alternator mounted on RH side of Engine with associated bracketry; twin Groove crankshaft Pulley, Hand Throttle control. Complete engine major assembly, exploded views, parts list and detailed description for each parts. This parts catalog available free to download in pdf format consists of 264 pages.
Download pdf (copy and paste the link below)
ArcView Tutorial - GIS and the GLOBE Program

Content Inside:
The Geographic Information Systems and Globe Program Tutorial for ArcView Edition. This manual covers following information: What is GIS, What is ArcView, Finding the Data in ArcView, a Beginning MAP using ESRI data, creating a printed map and exporting the project, downloading and incorporating globe student data, other data sources, creating your own data, hot links, using globe landsat images in ArcVie, local sources of GIS data, importing Arc Export (E00) files, Image Registration, How Do I get ArcView, Image Correction. This manual consists of 216 pages, available free to download in pdf format.
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92-95 Hyundai Elantra Repair Manual

Content Inside:
The Hyundai Elantra is a middle class vehicle which released to answer a gap between low budget subcompact Excel and the up-Level Sonata. Hyundai Elantra came with a 1.6 liter twin cam 4 cylinder engine which can produce 113 horsepower and 5-speed manual shift. Ordering 4-speed automatic transmission cut output to 105 horsepower. This Hyundai Elantra Engine manuals is a part of complete factory service manual and here you could find regarding information: General, Engine Mounting, Engine and Transaxle Assembly, timing belt location, replacement, removal and installation procedures, camshafts and rocker arms, cylinder head and valves, front case, oil pump, counter balance shaft, piston and connecting ROD, crankshaft, Flywheel and Cylinder block. This manual available free to download in pdf format consists of 70 pages.
Download Pdf document: (copy and paste the link)
09 Nissan XTerra Engine Control System Service Manual

Content Inside:
This engine control system service manual is a part of a 2009 Nissan Xterra Factory Service Manual (FSM), ton this document you’ll found tons of useful information to repair and service your vehicle, this manual divided into sections as follow: Basic inspection procedures, diagnosis and repair workflow, inspection and adjustment guide, idle speed and ignition timing check, engine control system, schematic diagram, electric ignition system, On Board diagnostic (ODB) system, tow trip detection logic, emission-related diagnostic information, generic scan tool function, component diagnosis, Sensor heater, control solenoid valve, MAF sensor, thermostat function, A/F sensor 1, Fuel injection system sensor, power supply, steering switch, brake switch, Electrical load signal, fuel pump, electric throttle control actuator, Symptom diagram and many more. This manuals available free to download in pdf format consist of 492 pages.
Download pdf document (copy and paste link below):
09 Nissan XTerra Engine Mechanical and Repair Manual

Content Inside:
This engine mechanical service manual is a part of 2009 Nissan XTerra Factory service manual, which contain any useful information regarding repair the engine, exploded views, part list, and troubleshooting guide. This engine mechanical service manual contain the following information: Precaution, Preparation, special service tool, commercial service tool, function diagnosis, noise vibration, and garness troubleshooting, on vehicle maintenance, belt drive removal and installation procedure, air cleaner system, spark plug, camshaft valve clearance, compression pressure, engine room cover, air cleaner and air duct, intake manifold collector, exhaust manifld and three way catalyst, ignition coil, engine assembly, cylinder head, timing chain, engine unit dis-assembly and assembly guide, service data specifications. This manual available free to download in pdf format consists of 144 pages.
Download Link:
this manual available free to download at www.nicoclub.com.
Piaggio LXV 125 Service Manual - Workshop Handbook

Content Inside:
This service station manual has been drawn up by Piaggio & C. Spa to be used by the workshops of Piaggio-Gilera dealers. It
is assumed that the user of this manual for maintaining and repairing Piaggio vehicles has a basic knowledge of mechanical
principles and vehicle repair technique procedures. Any significant changes to vehicle characteristics or to specific repair
operations will be communicated by updates to this manual. Index of topic: Characteristics, rules, safety rules, maintenance rules, dimensions and mass, engine, transmission, capacities, electrical system, frame and suspensions, brakes, carburetor, overhaul data, assembly clearance, piston rings, maintenance guide, maintenance chart, checking the spark advance, spark advance variation, braking system, level check, top-up, headlight adjustment, Complete troubleshooting guide, electrical system, conceptual diagrams, ignition, headlights and automatic starter, battery recharge and starting, devices and accessories, immobilizer, virgin circuits, diagnostic codes, fuse box location, engine removal and troubleshooting guide, braking system, chassis, pre-delivery, time. This workshop manual available free to download in odf format consist of 266 pages.
Download Link: (copy and paste the url below)
Air Compressor Design and Basic Principles

Content Inside:
The Air compressor design and basic principles is a small handbook which contain information about the main principles of Air compressor design, diagram and schematic. An air compressor does most of its work during the compression stroke. This adds energy to the air by increasing its pressure. Compression also generates heat, however, and the amount of work required to compress a quantity of air to a given pressure depends on how fast this heat is removed. An air compressor operates by converting mechanical energy into pneumatic energy via compression. The input energy could come from a drive motor, gasoline engine, or power takeoff. Positive Displacement Compressors, Pressure Characteristics - A compressor with a positive displacement pumping mechanism has these important pressure characteristics: The pressure against which the compressor works rises to higher and higher values as pumping continues. It must be limited by some external pressure control device. Reciprocating Piston -This design (Fig. 11) is widely used in commercial air compressors because of its high pressure capabilities, flexibility, and ability to rapidly dissipate heat of compression. And it is oil-less. Typical reciprocating piston air compressor, Reciprocating motion of the piston compresses air with each revolution of the crankshaft. Typical diaphragm compressor. The heavy-duty diaphragm is made of heat-resistant elastomer with fabric reinforcement. Cross-section shows diaphragm flexing in response to up/down motion of connecting rod.
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Customed VW Beetle Gallery

I want to say thanks for some one (I don’t know who) who has collected this VW beetle customization pics. I just found this pic collection on an online discussion forum. The location of the pics are on blogger, so I guest that some one has upload the pics on his/her blogspot blog.
Well,.. hope this gallery usefull enough for you who want to customize your VW Beetle. It’s pretty and creative! Just click read more to get the rest …
Creative Public Transport Airbrush

I still remember when one year ago, my friend from Padang tell me that In Padang almost all “angkot” are decorated very pretty. And now, I accidentally fortune to find this pics. “Angkot” is kind of public transport service in Indonesia. They are from minibus type car with 7 passengers average. Padang is a beautiful city in Sumatera, it’s the capital of West Sumatera. Here are some beautiful pics of Padang’s Angkot which I take from other site,.. thanks for this great works.
Yellow Mellow Mio from Pangkal Pinang

Last week, I got an opportunity to visit Pangkal Pinang in Bangka island. And like other cities in Indonesia, it’s dudes also love biking very much. Yamaha Mio, the most phenomenal automatic motorcycle in Indonesia seems to be the most used matic bike in this city. Offcourse, I will not talk it if it still in standard original view.
It’s really my day when the day bring me to meet Beni’s full body costumed Mio. He almost totally costumed it’s body with fiberglass, putting so many accessories on it, chromed some of it’s lower parts, and finally he paint brushed his tiny bikes yellow mellow. Unfortunately, he didn’t mention how much money spent to complete his job. Well,.. good job Beni! we wait for your next creation …
Mio Low Rider Concept from Aditya Krismaputra
Yamaha Nouvo 115CC Automatic, Modification from Thailand

August 27, 2007 @ 5:35 am · Filed under Modification, Yamaha, Scooter, Automatic, Motorcycles
Published in : Automatic Motorcycle, Gambar modifikasi motor, Modifikasi Yamaha Nouvo, Motor Modifikasi Thailand, Thailand Modification, Yamaha Nouvo, Yamaha Nouvo Thailand
This Nouvo 115 CC modification concept come from some one named Vynnn, a member of Bikepics who coma from Thailand. As we all already known that Thailand have a very-very stylish motorcycle modification concept. So many Thai boys who like to modify their motorcycle. Not only the models, but also engine performance. That's why, so many racing components which sold in Indonesia come from Thailand.
Well,.. if you have Yamaha Nouvo 115 CC, this modification concept wold be a good idea.
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Membuat Sendiri Penghemat BBM Hidrogen Booster / Electrolizer / Hydrogen Reactor / Toples Brown Energy / Silahkan Dinamai Sendiri

Uh…ah….(posisi seperti habis bangun tidur) Akhirnya selesai juga membuat Hidrogen Booster nya! Hore….Ternyata nggak begitu sulit kok. Tenang aja…Saya akan bagi cara membuatnya. Terima kasih saya haturkan kepada para sumber yang tidak mungkin saya sebutkan satu persatu……atas petunjuknya sehingga saya berhasil membuat alat ini by my self. Saya akan mengikuti jejak saudara – saudara untuk lebih menyebarluaskan info pembuatan alat ini ( tentunya dengan beberapa improvisasi yang saya buat ) untuk membantu sedikit meringankan beban, di tengah harga BBM yang semakin mencekik. Juga terima kasih saya ucapkan kepada teman saya yang ikut membantu. Dan tak lupa maaf kepada ibunda tercinta yang dapur dan rumahnya saya acak acak selama pembuatan.( membayangkan mengucapkan terima kasih waktu menerima award..he..he..)
Saya berusaha untuk membuat ulasan ini sejelas – jelasnya. Namun apabila masih ada yang kurang jelas dan ada yang ingin ditanyakan, silahkan tulis komen / email di raiderobie@yahoo.co.id. Tapi jangan tanya proses kimia yang terjadi ya! Saya sendiri jg nggak tau! Saya hanya orang awam yang mau mencoba.
Alat & Bahan:
Selang bensin ( yang murah aja yang warna hitam, Rp 1000 an)
Cable tie ( Rp 500 an )
Dioda bridge ( Rp 6000 an)
Sekring motor
Selotip hitam
T akuarium ( Rp 250 an)
Lem besi / terserah yang penting kuat
Toples ( saya pake bekas nestle coffee mate) / terserah
Pengaris stainless steel ( yang 40 cm Rp 6000)
Dudukan botol minum sepeda ( Rp 10.000) / diikat pake kawat jg bisa
Bahan & alat di atas yang saya gunakan. Apabila sulit didapat / bisa diganti dengan bahan / alat lain yang lebih ekonomis monggo saja…..
Skema Hidrogen Booster
Langkah pertama, siapkan elektrodanya. Potong penggaris stainless membujur/memanjang, sehingga penggaris terbagi menjadi dua bagian. Untuk yang satu ini bisa pakai gerinda / minta bantuan tukang las. Bentuk / lekukkan potongan penggaris tadi sesuai skema di atas. Beri isolator diantara kedua bagian penggaris agar tidak saling menempel. Untuk isolator ini saya menggunakan potongan kecil selang dan kemudian saya lem. Ikat kedua bagian elektroda ( bahan pengikat dari isolator ) agar posisi tidak berubah.
Kemudian siapkan botol / toples yang digunakan. Buat tiga lubang pada tutup toples. 2 untuk kabel, 1 untuk T akuarium. Usahakan lubangnya tidak terlalu besar. Di pas saja ukurannya. Kabel yang saya gunakan kabel engkel ( bukan kabel serabut). Saya menggunakan kabel engkel karena ketika di lem besi sudah cukup kuat. Tidak perlu memakai baut. Buat juga lubang pada bejana kecil sebagai lubang kabel, udara, dan lubang keluar air yang masuk. Bejana kecil yang saya gunakan bekas takaran rinso matic. Ukurannya pas dengan mulut toples. Masukkan kabel dan T akuarium ke dalam lubang tersebut. Hubungkan kabel dengan elektroda. Pastikan dulu ketika dimasukkan ke dalam toples electroda menyentuh dasar, sehingga tidak menggantung. Lem dengan lem besi. Lebih jelas lihat skema di atas dan foto di bawah ini.

Isi toples dengan campuran air dan baking soda kira2 60% kapasitas toples. Baking soda yang dicampurkan kira2 1-2 sendok. Air yang digunakan sebaiknya air suling karena H2O murni. Bisa dibeli di apotik. Tapi karena malas belinya saya pake aqua saja.
Sekarang saatnya memasang alat ke motor!
Saya mengaplikasikan di Honda Tiger 2000 saya. Untuk jenis motor yang lain bisa di kira – kira sendiri. Prinsipnya sama saja. Silahkan simak skema di bawah.
Untuk mempermudah pemasangan sebaiknya tangki dilepas dulu. Kemudian pasang kabel sesuai skema di atas. Berikut foto2 nya:
Untuk tiger, kupas sedikit kabel kuning yang keluar dari mesin sebelah kiri, sambungkan ke dioda bridge.
Dioda bridge saya ikatkan ke rangka tengah.
Selang yang keluar dari botol disambung ke saluran antara karburator dan filter. Pasang ke bagian yang paling dekat dengan karburator.
Kalau sudah terpasang semua, nyalakan mesin. Setelah beberapa saat, RPM motor akan naik dengan sendirinya. Pertanda gas sudah masuk ke dalam ruang bakar. Asap knalpot yang menyengat per lahan2 hilang. Untuk menstabilkan RPM, kecilkan stasioner dengan memutar stasioner ( berwarna hitam bergerigi di samping karburator). Karena pengalaman sebelum saya kecilkan stasionernya ketika saya geber gasnya mbandang ( nggak mau turun).
Selesai!!Horee sudah jadi!!
Review alat ini:
Karena ini baru percobaan awal, alat yang saya buat memiliki beberapa kekurangan.
Botol terlalu besar, sehingga kurang efektif. Selain itu juga terlalu mencolok sehingga mengganggu penampilan. Beberapa kali saya ditanyai orang mengapa saya mengikat botol di situ. Mungkin disangkanya sudah agak nggak waras.
Kabel yang saya gunakan sewarna, jadi sering lupa mana +/-
Penghematan BBM ada, tetapi belum terlalu signifikan. Saya masih bingung campuran baking sodanya seberapa. Saya ingin lebih irit lagi. Rencananya mau nyoba KOH. Masih nyari.
Kelebihan yang sudah saya rasakan,
Tarikan lebih enak. Getaran mesin berkurang. Lebih nyaman dikendarai.
Penghematan BBM (walau masih sedikit)
Emisi yang lebih rendah. Saya memang tidak menggunakan alat uji emisi. Namun bisa dirasakan kok. Biasanya ketika motor dinyalakan di garasi sebentar saja sudah bikin nafas sesak. Setelah saya pakai alat ini bau menyengat dari knalpot hilang.
Satu hal, membuat alat ini mengsyikkan. Banyak hal yang bisa di coba – coba. Namun jangan lupakan keselamatan. Juga, siap – siap untuk membuat seisi rumah berantakan! Ke depan saya akan berusaha membuat yang lebih bagus lagi. Bisa lebih irit lagi.
Selamat mencoba. Cari sumber sebanyak banyaknya, dan lakukan inovasi. Jangan takut untuk mencoba dan jangan takut gagal.
Semoga tulisan saya ini bermanfaat untuk anda.
Hydrogen Booster/HHO/Alat Penghemat BBM
HHO kit yang terdiri dari: Generator, Selang2 dan Module electronic yang mengontrol produksi HHO tanpa menimbulkan panas dalam sel
Module Electronic yang bisa mengcover produksi Gas, tetapi tidak mengganggu system kelistrikan, keistimewaan barang ini cukup memakai air "Aqua" dan tanpa di tambah media lain seperti electrolit maupun baking soda
HHO yang telah terpasang pada mobil Proton Gen 2
HHO yang terpasang pada mobil Suzuki SX- 4
HHO yang terpasang pada mobil Isuzu Panther
HHO yang terpasang di mobil Hardtop
HHO yang terpasang pada Mobil BMW 318 yang di test pake Alat Vericom oleh majalah motor
satu2nya produk kami yang kami berani bedah perut untuk mayakinkan customer bahwa barang kami bukan asal bikin, dari kontruksi dan struktur bisa diliat bahwa memang barang didisign secara rinci dan betul2 terlihat kerapatan plate stainless dan banyaknya bahan baku yang terpakai
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Pagani Zonda F

Pagani Zonda was first introduced at the 2006 Geneva Motor Show, the exterior body is designed by Horacio Pagani. There is only 27 Pagani Zonda F being produced. This super fast car is powered by 7.3 litre AMG V12 Mercedes Benz engine. Pagani says that this sport car will be the most expensive roadster in the world.
This limited roadster has 1230 kg weight, 4435 mm length, 2055 mm width and 1141 mm height. With 602 bhp power this luxurious automobile could reach 345 km/h / (214 mph) top speed. The interior of Pagani Zonda F is dominated by red, black and metallic touch. It has a unique interior design with red leather seats and retro style dashboard. This Super automotive is definitely an ultimate toys for the rich and famous people.
2009 Suzuki Hayabusa GSX1300RK9

The original version of Suzuki Hayabusa had only one competitor, i.e. itself. Now with other super-sports bikes fighting for dominance, the 2009 Suzuki Hayabusa is pulling out all the stops to stay on top. This new model is more powerful and made for long-haul comfort. The Suzuki Hayabusa has undergone impressive styling changes as well. The engine of the 2009 model is thoroughly updated to provide bikers with an attractive power-to-weight ratio and a greater rush of acceleration. Hayabusa’s chassis has undergone changes that help to provide crisper handling, and the striking fairing of this new model offers sleeker aerodynamics.
The 2009 Suzuki Hayabusa is one of the most intimidating motorbikes in the market with its superior design and chassis upgrades. This model can be found in Black/Matte Black, White/Silver, Gray/Silver, Black/Gold color combinations.
The 2009 Suzuki Hayabusa is powered by a smooth accelerating fuel-injected 1,340cc four-stroke liquid-cooled DOHC engine to provide raw power and great acceleration to the bike. The engine is coupled with smooth six-speed transmission. The frame, rear shock and swing arm are made of aluminum alloy that leads to proper weight reduction. The front forks of this model have rebound damping, compression and spring preload adjustable that provides versatility to the bike. This bike also has radial mount front brake calipers and a 260mm rear disc.
The big name of Hayabusa just got bigger with the 2009 model. Ultimate redesign has made choosing this bike an effortless task for the hardcore rider.
Specification 2009 Suzuki Hayabusa GSX1300RK9
Dimensions and Weight
Overall length 2190mm (86.2in)
Overall width 735mm (28.9.1in)
Overall height 1165mm (45.9in)
Wheelbase 1480mm (58.3in)
Ground Clearance 120mm (4.7in)
Seat height 805mm (31.7in)
Curb Mass 260kg (573lbs)
Fuel Tank 21.0 litres (5.5 US gallons)
Engine capacity 1340 cm2 (cc)
Type 4-stroke, 4-cylinder, liquid-cooled, DOHC
Bore x Stroke 81.0 mm x 65.0 mm
Compression ratio 12.5:1
Ignition Type Electronic Ignition (Transistorized)
Transmission 6-speed constant mesh
Front Inverted telescopic, coil spring, oil damped
Rear Linky type, coil spring, oil damped
Front Disc, twin
Rear Disc
Tyres Size
Front 120/70ZR17M/C (58W), tubeless
Rear 190/50ZR17M/C (73W), tubeless
Colors: Black/Matte Black, White/Silver, Gray/Silver, Black/Gold
Curb Weight: 260 kg (573 lbs)
Motorcycles New 2010 Yamaha FZ16/Bison Street Fighter Edition

PT. YMKI soon will issue a new bike is Yamaha FZ16/Bison, Yamaha FZ16/Bison was outstanding issues according to the launching in February 2010. Yamaha FZ16/Bison has a 150cc engine capacity equal to the previous product is Yamaha Vixion. But from another aspect Yamaha Bison have differences with the Yamaha Vixion input system. Yamaha FZ16/Bison use carburetor Yamaha Vixion whereas injection system. There are other differences in the design of the bike is Yamaha Bison Street Fighter redundancy while Yamaha Vixion Sport style.
Specification New 2010 Yamaha FZ16/Bison Street Fighter Edition
Engine type Air-cooled, 4-stroke, SOHC, 2-valve
Displacement 153.0cm3
Bore & Stroke 58.0 × 57.9mm
Compression ratio 9.5:1
Maximum output 14PS / 7500 rpm
Maximum torque 14 N.m / 6000 rpm
Starting method Electric starter
Lubrication type Wet sump
Carburetor type BS26
Clutch type Constant mesh wet multiplate
Ignition type CDI
Primary/secondary reduction ratio 3.409 / 2.857
Transmission type Return type 5-speed
Frame type Diamond
Suspension (front/rear) Telescopic / Monocross
Wheelbase 1,335mm
Brake type(front/rear) Hydraulic single disc / drum
Tire size (front/rear) 100/80-17 / 140/60-R17
Overall Length × Width × Height 1,975mm × 770mm × 1,045mm
Seat height 790mm
Wheelbase 1,335mm
Minimum ground clearance 160mm
Dry weight/Curb weight 126 kg / 137 kg
Fuel tank volume 12 liters
Engine oil volume 1.2 liters
Motorcycles New 2009 Honda Blade 110R Repsol Edition

Honda Blade 110R is the latest motorcycle issued by PT. ASTRA in Indonesia. Honda Blade has a 110cc engine capacity by how machines work with a 4-step piston diameter 50mm. Honda Blade 110R There is also a motor racing. The colors are a mainstay of the Honda Blade 110cc: BlueFlash Champion Yellow, Special Edition Honda Racing, Speed Black, SportyBlue, White Victory, Winning Red.
Technical Specification New 2009 Honda Blade 110R Repsol Edition
Length x width x height: 1855 x 709 x 1071 mm
* Axle distance: 1221mm
* Distance low to the ground: 147 mm
* Empty weight: 96.8 kg
* Type of housing: Spine
* Type front suspension: Teleskopik
* Type the rear suspension: Arm Sway – Dual Shock Breaker
* Size of front tire: 70/90 – 17 M / C 38P
* The size of rear tire: 80/90 – 17 M / C 44P
* Brake front: Hydraulic Piston Single Disc
* Brake rear: Tromol
* Fuel tank capacity: 3.7 Liter
* Type of engine: Step 4, SOHC
* Diameter x measures: 50 x 55.6 mm
* Volume step: 109.1 cc
* Compression ratio: 9.0: 1
* Maximum Power: 8.46 PS / 7500 rpm
* Maximum torque: 0.86 Kgfm / 5500 rpm
* The capacity of engine oil: 0.8 liter
* Clutch Auto: Double, automatic, centrifugal, wet type
* Gigi transmsi: 4-speed rotary
* Pattern pengoperan teeth: Rotary / interlaced fixed
* Starter: Electric starter & kick starter
* Aki: MF Battery, 12V – 3.5 Ah
* Busi: U20EPR9S ND, NGK CPR6EA-9S
* Ignition system: DC – CDI, Battery